Monday, September 19, 2016

Charles Albert Cingria

Charles Albert Cingria (1883 - 1954) was a Swiss writer and musician.
The family of his father Albert was from Ragusa (now Dubrovnik ) and lived in Constantinople; his mother Caroline Stryjenska (1846 - 1913), born in Carouge (Geneva), was a Polish-French painter.
Between 1902 and 1909, Cingria travelled in Switzerland, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Africa and Turkey, before moving to Paris in 1915. The Second World War forced him to return to Switzerland. After a stint in Lausanne and Geneva, he moved to Freiburg where he found a miserable attic room .
Cingria travelled around Switzerland by bicycle. He survived by publishing in journals of the local press and giving lectures. In 1944 , he returned to France. Thereafter, he lived in Paris, Aix-en-Provence and in Switzerland. In 1954, he was repatriated to Geneva, where he died of cirrhosis on August 1, the Swiss national holiday.
Cingria's manuscripts are kept at the Cantonal and University Library of Lausanne.

1 comment:

  1. cingria, sangria, cirrhose du foie le 1er aout, tellement de point communs, le voyage, la poesie, le beret, l'horreur des labels et etiquettes, l'amour de la beaute, de l'estetique, la qualite intrinseque de toute chose naturelle, Cingria a lire, a devorer, a ressentir, a experimenter....
    par hasard, on se ressemble, comme des freres, des enfants de meme famille egares aux quatres coins du monde, une grande famille a travers les ages.... aplus tard, alors
    Andreas krieger, citoyen suisse vivant en Californie, pour l'instant, ne a geneve, deja mort mille fois, comme les chats, de retour pour un nouveau tour...
